New Website
Every so often we need to give ourselves a digital facelift and in my case, a new website was in order. The urge for change wasn't initiated by new branding or new photography as most of what you're seeing is from the previous one, but something deeper. That we need to be flexing our consumer power in favor of a more respectful and inclusive society. It started when we found out that certain businesses we all frequented either supported the Trump campaign or were carrying any Trump family related products. We were all horrified. Why? Because knowing that our hard earned money is going to profit him is synonymous with hate and divisiveness. We live in a consumer culture so our power is in where and how we spend our money.
So let the boycott begin. The activists behind Grab Your Wallet, a boycott for any Trump related businesses are a great inspiration and has shown positive results to put pressure on businesses that profit from him.
Sleeping Giants created another consumer protest movement, #DeleteShopify. Shopify hosts Breitbart's online shop which sells merchandise that promotes sexist, racists and overall hateful beliefs. And after many attempts at urging them to take it down, they have defended them and have not.
Once I knew this information and an unfavorable experience with Shopify customer service, I had no choice but to take my dollars elsewhere. Sure, it's a huge pain to move and redesign the whole website. Sure, I'm only one small business in the Shopify ecosystem that hosts hundred of thousands. But this quote from Rebecca Solnit sums the essence of my feelings on it.
"Hope, in this deep and powerful sense, is not the same as joy that things are going well, or willingness to invest in enterprises that are obviously headed to early success, but, rather, an ability to work for something because it is good, and not just because it stands a chance to succeed."
I hope you like the new website!